Online Counseling for Women in Seattle

Supporting you in creating the life you want.

You may have arrived here because…

  • You are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or lost.

  • You are doing all the right things, but still feel like shit.

  • You feel anxious and unable to relax.

  • You feel like you have to work for your worthiness.

  • You are afraid to speak up and go after the things you need and want.

In other words, if you’re reading this page, you know something just feels off and needs to change. You’re ready to find clarity on your next step towards the life you truly want.

However you arrived here, I’m so glad you’re here. Read on to find out if counseling for women is right for you.

What if you are innately worthy?

You may feel like you have to earn the right to take up space. It feels difficult to advocate for yourself. You feel the need to be perfect at everything all the time.

I’ve heard folks describe this as constant tension in their bodies, or feeling like there is a voice in their head saying they aren’t good enough. You may also find conflict and hard conversations especially difficult, and feel like you shut down or can’t speak up. You’ve done everything everyone has told you to do and you’re still unhappy.

You’re ready to make a change, but you don’t know what to do.

If this is you:

I want to give you a space where you can fully be yourself and your innate value is reflected back to you. A space where you can get clear on your hopes and desires. A non-judgmental space for you to process and embrace the imperfectly perfect woman you are.

I specialize in empowering women.

Women have never been given permission to slow down. I give you skills and tools to do less and love yourself more.

There are so many cultural narratives and expectations that tell women what they should look like, act like, and how to behave. We’ll unpack this together and you will have the space to figure out what’s actually important to you. You get to decide. You can explore different options and change your mind. You’ll get clarity on your values and how to live them out. You will build self-trust so you can confidently know what is right for you. Through this process you’ll release tension and learn how to soothe feelings of anxiety.

I believe that each of us know what is truly best for us. Sometimes we just need a little encouragement to step into our own power, so we can speak up, step out, and create the life we want.

My experience with anxiety and perfectionism…

Not only have I worked with motivated, high achieving women (probably just like you!) and walked with them through anxiety management and perfectionism recovery, I’ve also gone through my own journey of feeling the tension of anxiety and the weight of perfectionism. I have found that connection with myself, awareness of my body, and support from other women and healers has made all the difference to me on my journey.

By infusing my clinical training with my own experiences, I’m able to more fully see your experience as a women while guiding you through a journey to empowerment, self-love, and self-trust.

Let’s chat!

Book a free 15-minute phone call with me.