Tarot and Therapy in Seattle

Tap into your intuition and inner knowing

You may have arrived here because…

  • You’re a little “woo woo” and want to integrate spirituality into therapy.

  • You’re drawn to exploring new avenues for understanding yourself and your life’s journey.

  • You’ve never used tarot, but are super curious about it.

  • You’re a long time tarot practitioner and know how magical tarot can be for self-understanding and reflection.

  • You’re ready to tap into a sense of sacredness and creativity in therapy.

  • You want to cultivate your intuition, insight, and power to change your life.

In other words, if you’re reading this page, you’re looking for a unique approach to self-discovery and healing, one that combines the wisdom of tarot with the supportive container of therapy.

However you arrived here, I’m so glad you’re here. Read on to find out if tarot and therapy is right for you.

What if the answers you seek are already within you?

You may have been taught that you can’t trust yourself. That you shouldn’t listen to your gut instincts. That you need to do what you’re told - by society, religion, your parents, your boss. But what if you possess inherent wisdom and intuition to know what is right for you?

I believe we each hold the answers to our own questions. Sometimes these answers are deep within us, waiting to be uncovered and acknowledged. Sometimes we’re afraid to tap into our own inner knowing because it means we’ll go against the grain, disappoint someone, or challenge societal expectations. Through the transformative practice of therapeutic tarot, we can tap into this inner wisdom, gaining clarity and insight into our lives and experiences.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by the transformative power of tarot in therapy?

If this is you:

I want to give you a space where you can fully be yourself and connect with your intuition. A space where you can embrace all the things you think make you “woo woo.” A non-judgmental space to uncover the answers that are already inside you.

Tarot and Therapy

Therapy and tarot may seem like an unlikely pairing at first glance, but together, they offer a dynamic and holistic approach to personal growth and healing.

Tarot cards have long been associated with divination (i.e., prediction). However, they can also be used to cultivate intuition and gain personal insight. We do this by asking questions and exploring our own associations to the card imagery.

By using the cards, reading the traditional meanings, and drawing your own associations, you are able to gain insight into situations that have you feeling stuck or unsure.

This approach is available for individuals at any stage of their journey, whether they're seasoned tarot enthusiasts or newcomers to the practice.

Through verbal reflection and interpretation, therapeutic tarot sessions offer a supportive space to explore the messages and symbolism of the cards, gaining clarity and insight into one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

My experience with tarot…

I discovered tarot in my mid twenties. After growing up in an Evangelical Christian environment, I was looking for practices that honored my own agency and allowed me to explore spirituality in a way that felt more authentic to me. Tarot has served as a powerful tool for tapping into my intuition and uncovering hidden truths within myself. As it turned out, I didn't need someone else to tell me what I already knew deep down, I just needed a way to access it. Whether it's validation, guidance, or gentle encouragement, tarot has a unique way of meeting me exactly where I am and offering the insights I need most.

By infusing my clinical training with my own experiences, I’m able to walk along side you through a journey of empowerment, self-love, and self-trust.

Let’s chat!

Book a free 15-minute phone call with me.