Sex Therapy for Women in Seattle

In-person and Online Counseling to Help Women Access Pleasure and Luxuriate in Their Sensuality

Woman floating in water. Online sex therapy in Seattle, Washington

Hello! I’m so glad you found your way to this page. You may have arrived here because…

  • You feel disconnected from your body.

  • You want to love your body, but also want her to be different. You wish she looked a certain way or felt a certain way, but then feel guilty for wishing she was anything other than what she is and not loving her the way you think you should. It’s this cycle, this constant push and pull, between wanting to accept your body but also resenting her for not being “perfect.”

  • You feel like pleasure is something you have to earn. But even when you work hard, and do everything “right,” it’s still not enough to relax and sink into your body. You might feel like pleasure is a reward you’re never quite deserving of.

  • You have low or no sexual desire.

  • You feel distracted, anxious, or tense during sex or masturbation.

  • You experience vaginal and/or vulva pain during sexual activity.

  • You exited a religious community and are dealing with post-purity culture sexual shame and are struggling to give yourself permission to experience pleasure.

  • You struggle to talk with your partner about sex and to ask for what you want. You wish you could just say it, but fear creeps in and you don’t know how to start the conversation.

In other words, if you’re reading this page, something is blocking you from accessing the pleasure that is your birthright. You likely feel like there’s a barrier, something holding you back from fully embracing your sensuality, and you don’t know how to break through it.

You’ve likely been to therapy before, but didn’t feel like you could bring up the topic of sex. Maybe the therapist never asked or you felt embarrassed to talk about it. But you’re ready now.

You’re ready to process the guilt and shame that have kept you from loving your body fully, from feeling at home in your skin. Ready to start nurturing a relationship of acceptance and love with your body. You’re ready to have the conversations you’ve been avoiding, to ask for what you need, and to connect with yourself and your partner in a deeper, more intimate way. Most of all, you’re ready to feel at ease in your own body, to feel pleasure without guilt, and to embrace your sensual self.

Read on to see if my sex therapy services to help women access pleasure and luxuriate in their sensuality might be just what you’re looking for.

I am therapist on a mission to empower women.

I specialize in helping you settle in to and feel more at home in your body.

Read below to find out how I’ll do that:

  • We’ll dive into the expectations, rules, and stories you were taught about your body, pleasure, and worth—whether from family, religion, or culture.

  • Through creative expression—whether it’s art, movement, or other forms—we’ll work through the complex feelings you have about your body. This will help you process the stories and experiences that have made you feel disconnected or ashamed, so you can begin to feel more at home in your own skin.

  • Then you get the opportunity to rewrite those old, limiting narratives into ones that honor your right to pleasure, self-love, and acceptance.

  • I’ll guide you in mindfulness and meditation practices that create space for you to experience moments of peace, relaxation, and connection with yourself.

  • I’ll work with you to connect to the parts of yourself that feel ashamed or guilty about your body, pleasure, or self-worth. You’ll practice giving those parts of yourself compassion, understanding, and the love they’ve always needed, helping you move from a place of self-criticism to self-compassion.

More about me.

What we will do in sex therapy.

Learn About Your Body:

There is a lack of education and so much misinformation about our bodies. We’ll start with building an understanding of the basic hardware you were born with. I offer psychoeducation to empower you with knowledge.

Practice Mindfulness:

I offer guided mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork in session to help you connect with your body. You’ll learn how to be present in your body, to breath deeply, and release tightness, guilt, and pressure.

Creative Expression:

Sometimes words aren’t enough. We’ll process complex feelings and past experiences that made you feel disconnected or ashamed. I offer art exercises, movement, and writing prompts as a way to connect with your sensuality.

“I am done living in a world where women are lied to about their bodies; where women are objects of sexual desire but not subjects of sexual pleasure; where sex is used as a weapon against women; and where women believe their bodies are broken, simply because those bodies are not male. And I am done living in a world where women are trained from birth to treat their bodies as the enemy.”

— Emily Nagoski, Come As You Are

When clients work with me, they feel…

Liberated and Empowered: No longer weighed down by old, limiting narratives, clients feel empowered to embrace their sexuality and pleasure without guilt or shame. They have freedom to experience their body as something to be celebrated, not criticized. They’ll finally feel worthy of pleasure, love, and connection, not as something they need to earn, but as a birthright.

Deeply Connected to Their Body: They have learned how to listen to and respond to their body’s signals, to let go of tension, and to feel present in each moment. They’ve start to experience their body as a safe, joyful place.

At Peace with Themselves: They feel lighter, more at peace, and more confident. They’ve found a way to express their feelings and have made room for a greater understanding and acceptance of who they are.

Compassionate Toward Their Inner Self: By connecting with the parts of themselves that feel shame, they’ll develop a deep compassion for their wounds, fears, and insecurities. Instead of letting the inner critic control their thoughts, they’ll learn to meet these parts with kindness and understanding. They’ll stop viewing themselves as broken or unworthy and start treating themselves with the same care and love they offer others.

Clients feel more whole, confident, and capable of living fully in their body, in their relationship, and in their life.

They have shifted from a place of fear, guilt, and striving to one of love, ease, and self-acceptance.

Their relationship with themselves is no longer defined by tension and shame but by peace, pleasure, and compassion.

Are you ready to start feeling more connected to your body, pleasure, and sensuality?

Get started with Counseling to Help Women Access Pleasure and Luxuriate in Their Sensuality

You deserve to feel at ease in your body.

You deserve to give yourself permission to experience pleasure without guilt, to ask for what you need in your relationship, and to feel connected to your beautiful body.

Together, we’ll uncover what’s been holding you back, heal the wounds that keep you feeling blocked and disconnected, and help you embrace a relationship with yourself and your pleasure that’s filled with love, grace, and acceptance.

Ready to chat?

Let’s find out if we’re a great fit!