Therapy Services

Individual Therapy

Insight Counseling Collective offers virtual, one-on-one counseling for adults in Seattle and across Washington State. We provide individual psychotherapy for anxiety, work-related stress, grief, depression, trauma, relationship issues, mood issues, difficult childhoods, and many other issues.

We believe therapy is a space to be human, where you are given permission to be messy. A space to allow yourself to be fully seen and accepted. It is a sacred relationship built on mutual trust. Common goals of therapy include improving quality of life, overcoming obstacles to wellbeing, increasing positive feelings (e.g. self-compassion and self-esteem), learning skills for handling difficult situations, and many other intentions. Additionally, many find they enjoy the therapeutic journey of becoming more self-aware.

Our community of therapists are here to work with you to inspire change and to help you move toward healing, connection, peace, and freedom.

    • You are a human living in 2023.

    • You don’t feel like you’re functioning at 100% and are ready to feel in control of your life again.

    • Something is not working and you are ready to discover why.

    • You are craving change and ready to take action.

    • You have tried to implement solutions but they are not working.

    • You have a big decision to make and need space to process your options.

    • You’re overwhelmed and struggling with expectations, like the pressure to be constantly productive, and ready to break free.

    • Professionals in high stress situations

    • Individuals in relationships

    • People struggling with relationships (e.g. partners, family, friends, co-workers)

    • People navigating life transitions (e.g. those new to adulting, new parents, empty nester, and retirement)

    • People with low self-esteem or low self-compassion

    • People with negative self-talk

    • People struggling with the day-to-day demands of life

    • People who struggle to “turn their minds off” or experience anxiety/panic attacks

    • People who have lost an important person, animal, or thing (e.g. employment and moving to a new place)

    • People who have had adverse experiences that are impacting their wellbeing

Couples Therapy

Insight Counseling Collective offers virtual, relationship counseling for adults in Seattle and across Washington State. We provide relationship counseling for recurring fights, feelings of disconnection, infidelity, life transitions and stressors, infertility, trouble communicating, and many other issues.

Relationship therapy is a space to reconnect and resolve conflict, explore problem patterns and identify solutions, communicate to understand one another better, and improve your quality of life together. Relationship therapy can lead to improved communication, strengthened friendship, deepened intimacy, strengthened trust, increased conflict management skills, and increased ability to share your life’s purpose and dreams with your partner.

Our community of therapists are here to support you in creating the relationship you desire.

For people who are considering ending their relationship, we also offer discernment counseling support.

Sex Therapy

Insight Counseling Collective offers virtual, sex therapy for adults in Seattle and across Washington state. Sex Therapy focuses on addressing sexual concerns, improving sexual functioning, and enhancing overall sexual well-being.

Sex Therapy can be beneficial for individuals, couples, or polycules. It involves a combination of talk therapy, education, and homework assignments tailored to the client’s needs. Sex Therapy provides a non-judgmental environment for clients to openly discuss their sexuality in order to improve sexual health and overall well-being.

    • You have persistent sexual issues that are causing distress or impacting your sexual satisfaction.

    • You and your partners/partner struggle to effectively communicate about your sexual needs, desires, or concerns.

    • You find it difficult to have open and honest discussions about sex.

    • You feel insecure, self-conscious, or lack confidence when it comes to sex and sexuality.

    • You want to enhance your sexual experiences, deepen intimacy, and explore your sexuality.

    • People who experience painful intercourse (vaginismus).

    • People who have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (Erectile Dysfunction).

    • People who struggle with premature ejaculation.

    • People who have difficulty experiencing an orgasm.

    • People who struggle with intimacy and communicating with partners about sexual issues, preferences, and desires.

    • People recovering from religious shame and/or trauma.

Parent Coaching

Insight Counseling Collective offers online, parent coaching for adults in Seattle and across Washington State. We provide parent coaching for caretakers experiencing burnout, overwhelm, recurring fights, excessive worry, trouble communicating, and many other issues.

Parent coaching is a space to gain skills, process the hardship of parenthood, explore problem patterns and identify solutions, gain an understanding of developmental milestones and norms, learn to communicate and connect with your child, learn to create a secure attachment for yourself and your child, learn to set and maintain boundaries, and improve the quality of your family life. Our community of therapists support you in creating the parent-child relationship you desire.

    • You have noticed an increase in family conflict.

    • You notice yourself constantly worrying about your kid.

    • You feel disrespected by your kid, maybe even would say that your kid runs the household.

    • You are feeling really burnt out on being a parent - this might look like being snappy with your kid or becoming increasingly disengaged at home.

    • You notice a power struggle between yourself and your child.

    • Your child has entered into a new phase (e.g. has become a teenager or young adult) and you just aren’t sure what your role is anymore.

    • You have tried various solutions, but nothing seems to be working.

  • Any caretaker of a human person/child (adult children count, too!).

Premarital Counseling

Insight Counseling Collective offers virtual, premarital counseling for adults across the USA through a program called Prepare/Enrich. It’s a great way for those planning on getting married to improve their communication skills, develop conflict-resolution skills, and set realistic expectations for marriage before they say “I do.”  

The Prepare/Enrich program begins with the couple taking a relationship assessment online. The findings from the assessment are reviewed in the first premarital counseling session. The assessment offers objective results that help the couple talk about what really matters in their relationship and opens the door for more communication and intimacy. There are a total of 6 sessions that cover the following topics: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Finances, Continuing to Date Your Spouse, and Sex & Affection.

Take a proactive and empowering step towards a resilient partnership and ensure a strong foundation for your marriage.

    • You are engaged or planning on getting engaged.

    • You want help to develop healthier communication patterns and enhance your ability to resolve conflicts constructively.

    • You and your partner have differing values or views on finances, religion, raising children, etc., and you’d like help establishing compromises and setting shared expectations.

    • You’ve experienced past relationship difficulties, like infidelity, and you’d like a safe space to address these concerns.

    • You and your partner come from different cultural backgrounds or family dynamics and you’d like to discuss how to navigate these differences in a supportive way.

    • Anyone who is getting married :)

    • Couples Considering Marriage: Even if a couple is not engaged yet but is seriously considering marriage or a long-term commitment, premarital therapy can help them gain insights into their compatibility, values, and expectations.

    • Couples in New Relationships: For couples in the early stages of a relationship, premarital therapy can serve as a valuable resource to navigate the transition into a more committed partnership. It allows them to explore their compatibility, establish healthy communication patterns, and clarify their expectations and goals.